How to upgrade your Touchpad for FREE: Get Windows Precision drivers on any laptop

Dont like your trackpad? Here's very easy guide to exchange your existing Elan or Synaptics drivers with Microsoft's Windows Pricision drivers.

Trackpads problem is bothering many windows users from very long time. It's this issue that keeps popping up here and there, and it doesn't matter if your laptop is new or old, or expensive or cheap. It doesn't matter because you can still have this issue.

There are many windows laptops out there, lots of them, that have really crappy trackpads, and that boils down to one thing, Software. 

If you have great hardware but it's got crappy software. If you're one of those laptop owners that's running an Elan or Synaptics drivers, You are not having good time with the trackpad. You can have better time with it.using Windows Pricision drivers.

This short guide with explain you how to put Windows Pricision drivers onto your existing laptop. Follow following steps and after these few steps you will be able to enjoy your trackpad.

Steps to follow

  1. First you have to figure out whether your laptop is running Elan drivers or Synaptics drivers. To do that, Go to device manager and check which Mice and other pointing devices driver  you're running.
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  2. If you're not running either one of those two(Elan or Synaptics drivers), you're either running Windows Pricision drivers already or you're running something weird that this guide can't help you with. If you are running Windows Pricision drivers then Touchpad Settings looks like this.
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  3. Once you have figured which one you have, either Elan or Synaptics, Download one of the two files that are linked below. One is for people with Synaptics trackpads and the other's for the people with Elan trackpads. Depending on which one you have, just download the appropriate one(both of these files are actually form Lenovo).
    Elan Trackpads: 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers

    Synaptics Trackpads: 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  4. Once you have the file, Extract it by running the "exe" or unzipping it. 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  5. It will place all the files into a folder called "Drivers" in your route(mostly its "C") 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  6. Go to Device manager again, right click your trackpad whether it is the Elan one or Synaptic one ,and then click on "Update driver". 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  7. Now click on "Browzer my computer". 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  8. Choose "Let my pick". 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  9. Click on "Have disk". 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  10. Now click on "Browze". 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  11. Now if you have a laptop with Elan driver, you go for the "ETD.inf" file and for the laptops with Synaptics trackpad, choose "SynPD.inf".
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  12. Now you will get drivers Successfully updated message. 
    Microsoft Pricision drivers
  13. Reboot your computer.
After following above steps you will replace the existing drivers on your laptop with Windows Precision touchpad drivers which are so much better, you'll notice that the tracking is smooth  and the biggest difference you'll notice is gestures. Being able to use the windows 10 gestures both accurately and reliably, makes the trackpad so much better.

Things to keep in mind

One thing you should keep in mind before you run off to do this is that, you can't let windows overwrite your new drivers with automatic windows update otherwise once windows update these drivers, the trackpad will go back to its old, disgusting self and you'll have to redo the process. You just need to make sure that you're downloading the appropriate update. You dont wanna download the new Elan or the new Synaptics driver. You wanna avoid those.

The other thing to keep in mind is that, if you want to, you should probably backup or find a backup of your old existing drivers. In case you wanna revert back to them, so go to your manufacturer and download that driver in advance before you do any of this stuff.

If you got any query, put it down in comment section. Thanks.



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LatestTechCenter: How to upgrade your Touchpad for FREE: Get Windows Precision drivers on any laptop
How to upgrade your Touchpad for FREE: Get Windows Precision drivers on any laptop
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